What's new in this version:
Changes and improvements:
- Removed 10 folders limitation for Free version
- Trial period now should be manually enabled
- Changed licensing flow for personal use
- Improve compatibility to Microsoft Office, Adobe and Autodesk products
- Make configurable delay when Sync starts processing files with certain extensions
- Add @eaDir* and @SynoResource to default IgnoreList
- Improving debug logs to increase chances of capturing issues
- Optimize memory consumption when sync is minimized to tray
- Allow to select NIC for data transfer instead of binding to all interfaces
- Simplify welcome screen
- Added ability to locate moved folder in "Folder preferences"
- Added standard / advanced folder dialog choice
- Advanced folders (aka 2.0 folders) made only available for Pro users only
- Changed "Sync All on/off" to "Selective Sync"
- Removed option to delete files when disconnecting folder
Licen se fixes :
- "License expired" sporadic message
- Your license expired message after restart
- Sharing license with Synology peer doesn't work
- Android device steals license ownership
- License is lost after relinking on mobile device
- Pro license disappears after upgrade
- Owner license is applied after adding seat license
- License owner switches every Sync restart
- Sync reverts back to old license if license upgraded to additional seats sometimes
- Sync does not switch to a new license if using consumer license
- Sync becomes unlicensed for no visible reason
- Sync is unable to apply license and approve license seats from Linux if storage configured outside of directory_root
Crash fixes:
- Sync crashes sometimes if launched immediately after quitting
- Sync crashed after deleting files from several peers
- Sync crashes after permission change
- Crash during indexing 1.4Tb file
- Sync doesn't generate dump files after crash
- Intermittent crashes on Windows
- Sync crashes on NAS when folders are renamed/moved on other device
- Sync crashes on removing Camera Backup folder sometimes
Other fixes:
- Newer file replaced by old one from offline peer
- Cannot install Sync under user with non-latin characters in name
- Sync closes silently if agree_to_EULA is not set when using APIv2
- Some files are stuck and never synced sometimes
- Sync quits silently if launched from Downloads folder
- Improve Sync DB stability
- Sync can't be removed from favorites
- Sync freezes on start sometimes
- Sync creates strange files if FS connected over CIFS/SMB does not support alternate streams
- BitTorrent Sync folder does not appear in Favorites sometimes
- Sync moves file to archive after adding if one of peers already has .bts file counterpart with the same name
- Sync leaves old binary when upgr ading fr om x86 to x64 version
- Sync returns a folder which was removed on Android device sometimes
- Placeholder file popup shows up for no reason
- Upgrading 1.4.111 to 2.x leaves old binary on HDD
- New folders are not propagating to linked NAS via My Devices
- No warning shown when folder owned by other sync instance is shared from Window Explorer
- Placeholders do not appear in folders with 100k+ files
- Control+Click does not work as Right Click on OS X
- Sync creates duplicate offline peers when runs in config mode
- Sync may create duplicate offline peer when killed ungracefully
- Sync freezes on shutdown when many files are in Archive
- Sync connects to tracker even if all options for connection are disabled
- Sync icon disappears in system tray
- Sync propagates older file if it was changed while Sync was offline
- Other minor UI cosmetic fixes
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